Reise nach Irgendwo (Journey to Anywhere) 2010

On Toni’s second CD for children „Reise nach Irgendwo“ we meet a clever but careless bookworm, wind-spirits and a crazy robot . A brave dragonfly defends its rural paradise with a warm-hearted  speech to the parliament and Hänsel und Berta tell the real version of the famous fairy tale which really took place in the vastness of outer space – as recently proved scientifically!


upcoming events

2025-02-19 | concert for children and families

(DE) Lieder aus dem Gedankengarten

  • where: Kita "Dorothea Erxleben" , Halle Kita "Dorothea Erxleben" , Halle
  • start: 09:30 AM

2025-02-20 | concert for children and families

(DE) Faschingskonzert

  • where: Grundschule Salzmünde Grundschule Salzmünde
  • start: 10:00 AM

2025-04-01 | concert for children and families

(DE) Kitafest

  • where: Kita Zschopauknirpse, Döbeln Kita Zschopauknirpse, Döbeln
  • start: 09:30 AM